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Indexing information table

In this section it is possible to consult the indexing information table, for the tender, announcement or tender notice selected, as required by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 April 2011.

Section Bando di gara

Gara telematica a procedura aperta per l'affidamento dei lavori di realizzazione delle nuove serre dell'Orto Botanico dell'Università degli Studi di Padova, finanziata con fondi PNRR.
Information indexing table for: tenders, results and notices
Information indexing table for: tenders, results and notices
Type Contract Contracting Authority Name Authority Type Province of the Tender Office Municipality of Tender Office Address of the Tender Office Without Amount Auction base amount Value of the award Amount Publication Date Call for tenders Deadline Date Publication Results Deadline Date Qualification Requirements CPV Code SCP Code Publication URL on CIG Code
Bando Lavori UFFICIO GARE PD PADOVA PIAZZA ANTENORE, 3 NO 1.357.534,58 15/07/2024 12/09/2024 OG1 45210000-2 B26E3D3000

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